Message From Campus Chief
Voice from the Campus Chief
I heartily welcome you new-comers from schools far and near across the nation at this college. Hunting for an ideal college in your pursuance for higher education is of course a matter of great trials and tribulations. You are obsessed with the only wish to serendipity a college that can accomplish your life’s career-related schoolings and accomplishments.
On this ground, with solemn assurance, I wish to say that you’ve eventually spotted the college that assures to dissipate you with the values and associations essential to meet the national as well as global levels of academic and career development skills. I should say GMMC shall definitely prove to you your desired and best selection for you can see the educational highlights from the very outset of your enrolment here.
Nestled amid the green forests of Raniban and reverberating Davis fall stream, the college locates at a serene and peaceful milieu desirous to welcome you every instance, the venue which I strongly believe is one of the prime requisites for the conduction of sound pedagogic activities. The faculties are long experienced and veterans in their respective disciplines ready to dissect and analyze your quandaries and queries to your optimal satisfaction. The physical infrastructures’ accessibility is ample to fulfill every administrative and educational purpose. The existing library is full-fledged with volumes, basic texts, reference volumes, national and international dailies and magazines and as such to quench your intense academic and career-related thirst for skills and knowledge.
Necessary assignments have been accomplished and required documents submitted to the concerned Dean Offices at Tribhuvan University for the operation of BHM (Bachelors in Hotel Management) and MBS (Masters in Business Studies) right from this year. The college shall keep on expanding its academic milieu through addition of diverse disciplines based on top priorities in the market.
Lastly, but not the least, the college’s uninterrupted crusade for materialization of Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) Certification shall in the very near future validate a hallmark, criteria set to function the college on standard international level.
With great hope to enjoy your company, I once again welcome you all.