Education Management Information System Cell (EMISC)
About Us
Education Management Information System (EMIS) Cell of GMMC is a central data depository system of this campus which store, analyze, and report the information of students, faculties, staffs, administration, and academic activities. The major objectives of the EMIS Cell of GMMC is to promote educational development in the campus through informed decision-making practices by increasing demand for information use and to collect, organize and report accurate, relevant and timely data for planning and decision-making purposes.
The specific objectives of the EMIS cell are:
- To create an organized unit within the campus that can collect, process, analyze, publish, store, disseminate, and provide efficient services of educational information for users
- To promote the use of educational information, both internally and externally, by increasing its quality
- To create a network of users and producers and increase the role of information in the development of education
- To cultivate the ability of EMIS cell personnel in the areas of analysis and use of educational information, and managing, monitoring, and evaluating the EMIS activities
- To strengthen the overall management of EMIS unit of the campus.

Maheshwor Dhakal
Contact No: 9856015910
Name | Post |
Aasis Paudel | Member |
Rishi Ram Baral | Member |