Vision Statement

GMMC aims to be established as the leading higher education institute in the state and the nation committed to providing quality education through its multidisciplinary courses crafted to cater to the students’ employability and community needs.


To strive for establishing itself as a premier higher education institute committed in its actions to deliver qualitative education in an affordable manner by emphasizing academic quality enhancements through implanting a culture of research, fostering capacity development among its students and developing community outreach or extension by integrating the knowledge and expertise of academicians and professional experts present in this region. The primary focus of its activities will be to achieve academic excellence prioritizing research eminence, students’ employability and community outreach and benefits.


Our vision of being a leading higher education institute with prominent focus on quality education/educational excellence, research and students ‘employability delineates the following key areas as our key focus or major dimension of goals. The areas are:
• Enhancing Academic Quality through the design and delivery of managerial, technical and professional courses
aimed towards increasing students’ employability and skills.
• Inculcate Research Orientation in and among the constituencies of our institution and focus in the
development and delivery of research-oriented knowledge at our graduate and undergraduate level of studies that paves the larger societal benefits.
• Focus on the capacity development of faculties, students and staff through the development and integration of
result-oriented curriculum, contributory state-of-the-art infrastructure and well-trained and dedicated faculties and
• Work for better community outreach by identifying probable long-term community alliances and revenue
sources complementary to its financial needs and prioritizing its academic pursuance towards improving educational quality with the difference in research and pedagogies addressing the community needs.